My name is Nette
Digital Communication
Is an Art form & my Passions & how I got started.
Visually Communicating is my Path
Adobe CS is my Creative Tool.
I'm a Digital Communicator that specializes in
Digital Data, Art, Multimedia,
Web/App Design, and UI/UX Design.
My Love of Art allows me to create
Experiences through Visual Design, Websites, Apps, Information Architect & Structured Forms.
Encompassing: Web-page Layout, Content Management, Technical & Descriptive Writing, and Product Design.
Color: Color vocabulary, fundamentals and the psychology of colors.
Balance: Symmetry and asymmetry.
Contrast: Using contrast to organize information, build hierarchy and create focus.
Typography:Choosing fonts and creating readable text on the web.
Consistency:The most important principle.
Applying the disciplines of my formal/educational training.
Interpretation and Representation
Organization and Consistency
Expression and Structural Form
Informational Architecture
Discover, Define, Develop and Deliver...
Design Thinking & Human Centered Design are my approaches & both go hand & hand in the creative process. Whether designing websites, apps, or end products, the end user's experience must be the goal for the design to be successful.