Prototyping / Mock-Ups are Beautifully done for Clients
who need to put their words into a Vision as well as, translate their ideas to inspire their Audiences.
Prototypes / Mock-Ups give Clients a feel of what their Vision can become & translate the ideas to Print, Web/Mobile,
UI Design, & App's Development. The differences come with offering variations.
Below are examples of a Mock Up for Typography Styles, Colors, and different Fonts
done for a Client & Ultimately used for Print

It is Key is to be able to explain the Thought Process when Designing Layouts, using Typography & Colors. To be able to give an Idea a Vision is Paramount...
Clients are shown options with (mixing & matching) giving them an Idea of what can be achieved, through Layouts, Shapes, Sizes, Typography & Colors
It's Actually Quite Beautiful

User Personas & Prototyping purpose is to Develop Visual Identity. User Research in Visual Design, and define Interaction Patterns is imperative to the end product.
Before I can design I must know the targeted market, UX Research gives an understanding to how I will design & maintaining a User-Centered approach in design best practices.
Prototyping materials for business partners and developers, including user flows, wireframes, mockups, live style guides, and assets are the Visual Identity coming to Life..
I changed the names & company's identity markers of my Clients (Intellectual Property Rights apply).

Wire-framimg Landing Page

Wire-framing Page 2

Wire-framing Page 3

Wire-framing Page 4
This was a Digital Catalog done for a Client who needed it done for an Email Campaign. Images & Technical Specs were done by me according to client's specifications. His feedback to me was " the campaign did extremely well with a 42% click through rate". One of Eight to date.
I changed the company identity markers (Intellectual Property Rights apply).